Greater Boston
MAPC and Metropolitan Boston
The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is a regional planning council that serves the people who live and work in the 101 cities and towns of Metropolitan Boston. MAPC's mission is to promote smart growth and regional collaboration. The organization's regional plan, MetroFuture, guides its work as it engages the public in responsible stewardship of our region’s future.
MAPC works toward sound municipal management, sustainable land use, protection of natural resources, efficient and affordable transportation, a diverse housing stock, public safety, economic development, clean energy, healthy communities, an informed public, and equity and opportunity for all.
MASSACHUSETTS Clean Cities Coalition
The Massachusetts Clean Cities Coalition is part of a nationwide partnership sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities Program. Clean Cities aims to reduce petroleum consumption in the transportation sector and support development of infrastructure necessary to make alternative fuel vehicles a viable transportation option. In March 1994, Boston became the 7th U.S. city to be designated a Clean Cities Coalition. The coalition expanded its mission in 1999 to become a statewide initiative under its present-day name, the Massachusetts Clean Cities Coalition.
Why is MAPC Participating in F4F?
MAPC sees Fleets for the Future as a prime opportunity for its Clean Energy, Transportation, and Municipal Collaboration departments to participate in an interdisciplinary project and increase adoption of clean vehicle technology in the region's cities and towns. MAPC staff is excited about this opportunity to implement best practices through a regional procurement for clean fuel vehicles and technologies, making them more accessible and affordable in the region and helping to build the market and economies of scale in this important space.
Through the Green Mobility Group Purchasing Program, MAPC is working with cities and towns to identify opportunities to retrofit existing fleet vehicles, up-fit new purchases, and install electric vehicle charging stations. MAPC handles the paperwork of packaging the vehicles with the most municipal demand into Requests for Quotes from vendors on the Statewide Contract, VEH102, to obtain the best prices vendors can offer. By participating, cities and towns will reduce the time investment needed to purchase clean vehicle technologies and get the best prices from vendors by buying in bulk.
If you are a public entity interested in taking advantage of or learning more about the purchasing opportunities through MAPC, please contact Megan Aki at or 617-933-0795.
If you are a vendor interested in making your products and services available on VEH102, please register on COMMBUYS under the UNSPSC codes 25-17-00, 25-17-50, 25-19-00 to be notified of future bid openings. The service categories on the statewide contract include (1) EV charging stations, (2) idle reduction technology, and (3) aftermarket conversion technology.
Group Purchase Round 1: XL Hybrids (Open until January 25, 2018)
In 2017, MAPC collaborated with the Department of Energy Resources and Operational Services Division on an agreement to aggregate state and municipal purchases of aftermarket hybrid electric conversion systems offered under the statewide contract, VEH102. During its six month term, the pricing agreement offered both bulk and accelerated time-frame discounts for purchase orders submitted through VEH102. The four public fleets who participated in the program received discounts of 11-19% off of their purchase orders.
In 2018, MAPC is expanding the Green Mobility Group Purchasing Program to include pricing agreements for electric vehicle charging stations and aftermarket conversion technologies. MAPC intends to coordinate group purchases from vendors on the statewide contract on behalf of participating communities during July 2018. The pricing agreement for EV charging stations is open to public entities in Massachusetts only and the pricing agreement for aftermarket conversion technology is open to public entities nationwide.
- Plug-In to Municipal Best Practices: Community EV Charging Workshop slides - 5/8/18
- Roadmap to Install EV Charging Stations One Pager
- VEH102 Statewide Contract for Advanced Vehicle Technology One Pager
- Green Mobility Purchasing Advisory Committee Meeting Presentation - 10/26/17
- Green Mobility Purchasing Advisory Committee Meeting Summary - 10/26/17
- Green Mobility Purchasing Advisory Committee Meeting Presentation - 3/27/17
- Green Mobility Purchasing Advisory Committee Meeting Summary - 3/27/17
- Green Mobility Purchasing Advisory Committee Kick-Off Meeting Presentation - 12/12/16
- Green Mobility Purchasing Advisory Committee Kick-Off Meeting Summary - 12/12/16
- Worcester Municipal Green Vehicle Technology Workshop Presentation - 11/16/16
- Natick Municipal Green Vehicle Technology Workshop Presentation - 11/1/16
Regional Contact Information
Megan Aki