Greater Kansas City

MARC and the Greater KAnsas City Area

The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) is a nonprofit association of city and county governments and the metropolitan planning organization for the bistate Kansas City region. Governed by a board of directors made up of local elected officials, MARC serves nine counties and 119 cities, with a population of 1.9 million. MARC provides a forum for the region to work together to advance social, economic, and environmental progress.

Since its beginning in 1972, MARC has worked with its regional stakeholders on environmental issues. Their work in energy-related topics started in 2009 when it coordinated an effort to create a Regional Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy, which has guided the region’s work ever since. MARC and local governments in the metropolitan Kansas City region have collaborated on many energy efficient projects, such as high-efficiency streetlights, solar ready best management practices, climate resiliency strategies, and promoting alternative fuel vehicles through its bulk procurement program.

Kansas City Regional Clean Cities Coalition

The Kansas City Regional Clean Cities Coalition (KCRCCC) is a public/private partnership established in 1998 to promote clean transportation, specifically to reduce air pollution, strengthen our local economy, and curb our dependence on petroleum. It provides technical assistance, education, training, media assistance and support policy-related initiatives for its members and stakeholders throughout western Missouri and eastern Kansas. Members include organizations, companies, and individuals who are interested in promoting the use of cleaner alternative fuels and vehicles in order to improve air quality and health, curb dependence on petroleum, minimize climate change, and support the local economy. Our dedicated staff is funded and supported by Metropolitan Energy Center, which also makes possible funding and project administration for members. Our efforts are guided by an Advisory Board, which is elected by our membership each year. A membership with Clean Cities puts you in the middle of the alternative fuels industry. Metropolitan Energy Center is a 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit that manages the KCRCCC and the Wichita-based Central Kansas Clean Cities Coalition. Learn more or join at

MARC and KCRCCC's role in f4f

The Kansas City region’s local governments have a strong history of working closely together around cooperative procurement. The Kansas City Regional Purchasing Cooperative (KCRPC), sponsored by MARC and the Mid-America Council of Public Purchasing (MACPP, a separate regional purchasing cooperative), both have over 100 public agencies members that purchase goods, products and services through cooperative procurement contracts. MACPP has organized and implemented the metro vehicle bid since 2002. The joint bid process allows individual agencies to expand their purchasing power, save administrative costs and receive value-added pricing. The metro vehicle bid process includes the involvement of dozens of local government representatives collectively writing specifications and evaluating received proposals. The administrative work to secure and award is currently led by Johnson County, Kansas, Purchasing Department.

The F4F Kansas City pilot project joined the MACPP metro vehicle bid in 2016. Representatives from both MARC and MEC were involved in the planning and implementation of the metro vehicle bid process. The F4F involvement in the bid process included:

  • Working with a regional stakeholder group made up of fleet managers and purchasing professionals to outline bid goals.
  • Creating marketing and communication templates for Clean Cities “train the trainer” sessions.
  • Providing pre-bid education and outreach via Kansas City Clean Cities on the topic of AFV options through webinars, informational sessions, and one-on-one communications.
  • Conducting interviews with fleet managers, procurement specialists and dealership sales staff regarding best AFV candidates for inclusion in the bid process and anticipated hurdles.
  • Facilitating meetings with potential national procurement partners for private fleets.
  • Answering questions from public officials, dealerships and upfitters regarding AFV options and each group’s involvement in the bid process.
  • Gathering data on AFV options and market demand.
  • Attending pre-bid meetings to discuss best AFV options to include in the RFPs.
  • Assisting with the drafting of RFP specifications.
  • Integrating AFV options into the already established metro vehicle bid process.
  • Launching the KC Metro Vehicle Bid for responses.
  • Reviewing final bid documents.
  • Creating a “cheat sheet” inventory of AFV options available in 2017 model year metro vehicle contracts.
  • Educating and requesting participation from dealerships to encourage the use of the updated metro bid process, with emphasis on the bids for alternative fuels.

The final results of the metro vehicle bid process are: 44 vehicle builds in eight classes were included in the RFP bid process. Multiple AFV options were received on 35 of the 44 vehicle builds where there were previously none.

All in all, 13 dealerships secured contracts with Johnson County, Kansas, that included multiple AFV models in all eight classes of vehicles.

  • Seven dealerships submitted bids on Flex Fuel E85 options (in all categories)
  • Eight dealerships provided bids on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) vehicles. 
  • Six dealerships submitted bids on biodiesel/hybrids, hybrid-electric and all electric vehicles
  • Three dealerships quoted Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) options.

An Evaluation Report to Metropolitan Kansas City Cooperative Purchasing Pilot Project published in May 2018 is available for download. You can find the Executive Summary HERE.

Regional Contact Information

Georgia Nesselrode

Kelly Gilbert